Liebster Award Nomination

Hey hey hey. How’s everyone doing today? Just ate breakfast? Still hungry? Me too.

This weekend I was honored to receive a Liebster Award from The Honest Root. Her blog is awesome… I highly suggest checking it out! It feels amazing to be nominated by the blogger community, I’m excited to tell you all a little more about myself, and perhaps introduce you to some more awesome blogs!

I had to search the corners of Google to figure out exactly what this award was, tbh.  From other nominees, I learned that Liebster is German for “dearest” (more or less), and the Liebster Award is an award for small or new blogs that deserve a chance in the spotlight.  Once received, it’s passed on to others that the recipient deems worthy of public attention. By asking each nominee to answer a set of questions, the award allows new bloggers to tell their audience something about themselves. Below I listed out the next set of worthy winners, along with my answers… enjoy!

~My Nominees~

  1. 1. Peachy Style
  2. 2. Rarasaur
  3. 3. Mermaid Stilettos
  4. 4. WhatKumquat
  5. 5. highoffhappyhour
  6. 6. Fashion is Freedom
  7. 7. Emerald Waters

*Award nominees: feel free to answer the questions listed out below!

~10 Questions I’ve Been Asked to Answer~

1. Coffee or tea?

No question, tea. Fun fact…  I don’t drink caffeine so the only hot beverage that kinda-sorta-maybe wakes me up is herbal tea. Or a bucket of ice cold water to the face.

2. If you could instantly solve one world issue, what would it be, and why?

I really struggled with this question. Singling out one issue is almost unfair. If I had to pick, I would wish for a cure to Alzheimer’s Disease, a mentally degenerative disease that has affected my family and millions of others across the world.

3. Is there a particular blog or blogger who inspires you?

Absolutely. It wasn’t until recently that I decide to bring my blogging interest back to life. I was inspired to start back up again after reading through the blog, Rarasaur. Seeing this woman overcome tremendous hardship while also maintaining a buzzing site made me think… what the hell is my excuse?

4. Book you have recently gotten totally lost in.

I don’t do a ton of reading outside of classes… but one recent novel definitely caught my attention. Mixing fiction with vintage photography, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children was an amazing find. If you like eerie imagery and a thrilling plot, give it a shot.

5. What is the biggest challenge you face when blogging?

Time. With managing classes, family, travel, job searching, the works… finding the time to schedule and shoot posts is difficult right now. But rest assured, I’ll get back onto a weekly schedule when I return to Charlottesville this September 🙂

6. Do you have a “signature style”?

I’m a stronggg believer in ever changing style. I like playing with lots of different looks and feels, it keeps things interesting. Bohemian sweaters and chucks? Yup. Classy pastels with statement jewelry? Every once in a while. By the time you read this I’ve probably started on something else.

7. What do you hope people take away from your blog?

Individuality should be celebrated. I hope people can use my words, looks, and experiences to inspire their own personal stories. ~Sheds single emotional tear~

8. Most inspirational or influential figure in your life:

This thing. No words… I’m sure you’ll hear more about her as time goes on.


9. The perfect day consists of:

Sitting with friends at Trinity Irish Pub for 12+ hours. Nothing else needed. Except maybe an income.

~friends who stein together stay together~
~friends who stein together stay together~

10. One thing you hope your future self remembers:

Stop eating that 5th slice of pizza. You won’t have room for chips.